Words that have been etched in the minds of so many over the years. How many of us sat in class as children and had The Lorax read to us? How many times did we catch the cartoon special on Saturday Mornings? And you know you teared up every last time that the Lorax lifted himself by the seat of his pants.

Well Earth Day is here and what better Mascot for a group of 1st graders than the Lorax himself? Another one couldn't be found. So, taking the spirit of the Lorax with me, along with happy thoughts of Barbaloots, Humming-Fish & Swomee-Swans and decided to create a cake for them.
Don't worry, I didn't forget our villain, The Once-Ler, but as you read the book or think back to the story, was he a villain? Or was he just like so many of us that just don't listen to reason until it is too late. Now, he sits up in his home where the grickle-grass grows and he lets other knows of the Lorax.
So, come with me, down the Street Of The Lifted Lorax and let us make some changes this Earth Day. Because "unless" someone like us cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's Not. And it is true. We all can do our part. The smallest things combined by everyone doing them can make a huge impact.
Get together with your family, your friends and classmates and get something going. And if we all do our part and things get better maybe one day we will be lucky enough to have a Truffula Tree of our very own!
P.S. We as a family support mustaches, all types. Don't discriminate! LOL