Peter Rabbit Cake ~ Surrealconfection


Monday, April 9, 2012

Peter Rabbit Cake

Well here we are the day after Easter and things are still looking pretty bunny over here. You see the kids were out for Spring Break all this past week so there was no Easter Party before the weekend hit. Not gonna stop me from pulling out all the stops for a post Easter Celebration!!!

Granted I had started planning out the cake weeks before I realized that they were going to be on Spring Break but hey it worked out none the less! And better than I had actually accounted for. You see the class is starting something new in school with Spring being here - Plants and how they grow. Once I heard that I was very relieved.

Why? Simple, the cake design I had been working on for their Easter cake was Peter Rabbit & Mr. McGregor's Garden. So, we are still kind of Easter with the bunny and very "gardeny". YAY! It works!

So that was what I was up too all weekend on top of everything else for Easter Weekend. It worked out though, was up late last night, ran out of meringue powder so called it quits, got a few hours sleep and was up bright and early at the store picking up some more. Couple hours of later I was finally fully finished! Or so I thought.

I had everything together and snapping pictures before I stopped and realized I had forgotten something...Bunny Whiskers! OMG! How could I forget the Bunny Whiskers! Thankfully a black food coloring marker and some edible grass later and Peter was himself again.

Now getting close to time for me to run this cake over to the school but before I do, some details about the cake.

Cake: Combo Carrot and Pound Cake
Frosting: Almond Buttercream
Icing: Vanilla Royal
Dirt: Crush Thin Mints, Oreos, Chocolate Graham Crackers, Carrot Cake
Large Carrots: Cupcakes baked in Sugar Cones and dipped in Chocolate
Grass/Whiskers: Edible Grass

Okay, now time to run!