I "<3" Mom. That is what we all say come Mother's Day. The one day of the year where people are pretty much forced to stop everything they are doing and do everything mom does every day, or at least that is what I think it should be. LOL You know, Mom's Day Off. (What ever that is.)
What usually ends up happening is Dad yells at the kids the last minute to go make mom a card on paper real fast or prayers that the teachers had the kids make a macaroni heart in art class. Then everyone piles in the car and heads out to dinner, which always tends to be a more crowded night than Prom and V-Day Combined. That or you hit the Brunch and well that is a disaster.

Why not this year do something else. Mom likes cookies! Yes she does! Mom loves cookies. You think she makes all those treats for you all year long? Oh forget that, she makes them so she can "taste" them to make sure they are "okay" for her family. In other words, she makes them because she wants them and then plays it off like she is making them for you. (You know, like those old Rice Krispy Treat commercials.)

Heck, I do it to! (You think a single one of these projects gets out the door without my rigorous taste test? Yup, I am guilty too!) But hey, that's okay. As long as everyone gets some, everyone wins. But boil it down, mom did the work. Why not make her, and clean it up!, some cookies for Mothers Day. They don't have to be fabulous like they just walked out of a ProBakery. Remember, mom loves macaroni hearts. Just do something cute!
I made these really fast the other night while in the middle of the Lorax cake and cookie pops with some of the left over dough and icing I had. You can get the cookie cutters I used at Wal-Mart in the Wilton Section. They are up and only like $3.00. So grab a set and make some cookies for Mommy!