Now, onto cookies! And a ton of them. You see for weeks I have been racking my brain on just what to do for Easter cookies and I have made batch after batch of cookies only to shake my head afterwards and toss the idea. Yet I could not bring myself to just toss my cookies as it were, nor the icing I made for them. So I decided to put them to good use! What better use than decorating them myself? Letting my kids do it!
So I gave them their first class in cookie decorating. Now, it wasn't a technique class as you can tell, lol. But it was a planning class. They got out my cookie cutters and matched them up with the cookies I had made. Picked the ones they wanted, traced the cutters and then went and spent an afternoon coloring and designing just what they wanted to do on their cookies. Granted I did not make up all the colors they wanted to use but thankfully I had some food coloring markers laying around I wasn't using anymore and they were able to use them.
Then came the decorating and I just have to say I think I had more fun watching them decorating their own cookies than I have ever have making my own. There is just something about watching them do something I enjoy and seeing that spark in their own eyes. It was wonderful and even though a lot came out like a big mess I don't think you could have seen more pride in my eyes than if they all took home the Noble Peace Prize. LOL
They had a blast together and one of them had so much fun in fact as I have continued to decorate cookies he has to get in on it now! About broke my heart today to tell him he couldn't decorate what I was currently working on. Little pouty lips going "pweese...." about broke me today. Thankfully once I got done this evening I have some extras and icing as well. I think that made up for it.
I will say this, I think I am ready to basket weave the world after creating the lace center piece and napkin (which was the size of a nickle!). Cannot wait to see what I can do with that technique later on when I finish up another project I have going. Granted it will have to wait until after Easter. I have 2 cakes to do for Easter and at least 1 more set of cookies, hehe.
So there we are - Contests, Cookies and China! Oh My!!! (And you know you read that in Sulu's voice!) So now I will bombard you with just a ton of pictures since I don't feel like organizing them tonight. LOL