Happy Veterans Day!

You see I grew up on Strawberry and all her friends. I loved it! It was the only thing pink that I could stomach as a girl growing up. Well, here we are decades later and Strawberry is back once again! The Hub has new episodes of Strawberry that are on every morning in this home. Both myself and my daughter love her.
So, here we are with a plethora (I love that word) of little treats. Now, they all are a Chocolate Strawberry Sugar Cookie with a slightly tart lemon royal icing. Even some of these cookies have a wonderful strawberry cream cheese frosting in the center.

Anywho, as you can tell I branched out of the normal circles and did some other shapes and designs. But as you can also see I did still do some royal icing transfers. I love them. Okay, gonna move on from ramble to purpose. Promised to share the recipe for the cookies when I posted...So here it is!
- 2.5 Cups Unsalted Butter
- 2 Cups Granulated Sugar
- 2 Large Eggs
- 1 Teaspoon Vanilla
- 3 Tablespoon Strawberry Extract
- 1 Teaspoon Salt
- 3/4 Cup Cocoa Powder
- 4.5 Cup All Purpose Flour
Gently cream together the butter, sugar, eggs, vanilla and strawberry extract. Sift together the salt cocoa powder and flour. Fold dry and wet ingredients until they come together. Roll out, refrigerate until still, cut out designs. Bake in an oven preheated to 375 F for 8-11 minutes. (Large circles 11, small 8). Allow to cool fully, decorate and enjoy!
I know, wasn't exactly the best instructions but you get the point, lol. If you have any questions just ask!