Pumpkin Carving 2011 - The Adults ~ Surrealconfection


Monday, October 15, 2012

Pumpkin Carving 2011 - The Adults

Now, pumpkins aren't only for the kids in this house. In fact us adults get our pumpkin on something fierce. (Wow I so totally failed sounding cool with that. LOL) Alright, anywho. This is what the hubby and I did last year.

Braaaains! - By Jason (Aka The Hubby)

Fire Cat (Aka Ethereal Demon) - By Jason (Aka The Hubby)

Phage - By Jason (Aka The Hubby)

Red Mage - By Jason (Aka The Hubby)

Owl Totem - By Jason (Aka The Hubby)

The Headless Horseman - By Me! (^_^)

Jareth-o-Lantern - By Me! (^_^)

Now, you can find all these and more works that the hubby and I do on Deviant Art (Heck you may have seen them there last year if you frequent that site.) Here are the links

To The Hubby's Page - Sigil79
To My Page - Afina79